Digital Painting in Adobe Illustrator
Watch the whole process from start to finish below. This weekend, which happened to be the opening weekend for Deadpool...
Watch the whole process from start to finish below. This weekend, which happened to be the opening weekend for Deadpool...
A breakdown of why Master files are not always freely given to clients. In an attempt to to clear up misconceptions, I’ve detailed the main reasons behind why master files are not considered part of the package for many freelancers.
Breakaway Graphic’s most Frequently Asked Questions. What you can expect, why you should choose Breakaway Graphics, our hours of operation…
Learn the general differences between a .jpg, a .png and a .gif…. .indd, .psd, .pdf…Know your file types an always supply the right file every time.
There are an innumerable amount of terms involved in the process of getting idea from the abstract to the concrete. Graphic design, printing processes, color spaces, file extensions, typography and production all have a vernacular specific to their role in the process.
© 2025 — Sheana Firth | Breakaway Graphics, LLC.